Lori Fine, Certified Reiki Master / Teacher

Certified Counseling Hypnotist, Member National Guild Of Hypnotists (NGH)

Certified by A.R.E. NYC (the Edgar Cayce Institute),  and by North Shore Hypnosis

  • Offering Intuitive Reiki Healing & Reiki Training and Certification
  • Offering Astrological Sessions & Astrology Classes
  • Offering  HYPNOSIS  ( brightpointhypnosis.com )

CONTACT ME if you’re interested in a 6 week  BEGINNER’S ASTROLOGY CLASS starting in January 2025! Email me at brightpointhypnosis@gmail.com. This will be a WOMEN ONLY class.

Classes will be one 2-hour session each week. Class dates will depend on everyone’s availability – on either a weekday afternoon or weekday evening. Price will be $200 for the entire six-week course. 

Email Here for more information from Lori

Your Intuitive Reiki Session  promotes healing and relaxation, reduces stress and works in conjunction with, and as an aid to, traditional and/or eastern medicine.

Reiki may be helpful with:

Relieving Stress

Sleep Issues



Lack of Focus


Re-balancing Energy

Integrating Physical, Emotional, Spiritual

Your Astrology Session provides insight into the particular issues you’re experiencing, including your “life assignments”, personal obstacles and attributes, and your current transits.  

Reiki, Astrology & Hypnosis Sessions can be combined 

or you may choose to receive any separately.


Reiki works in conjunction with  other medical or therapeutic techniques, western or eastern, traditional or alternative,  to promote your body’s ability to heal itself.

Reiki treats you holistically:  physically, emotionally and spiritually.

More on Reiki

 Due to the stress of everyday life, we build up blockage in the “energy centers” of our body systems:  Reiki is a hands-on healing method to help dissolve this blockage through the channeling (via the hands of the Reiki practitioner) of universal energy. This energy channeling can stimulate stagnant energy centers, or calm overactive ones.  Reiki can also help to relieve stress, increase energy, instill a sense of well-being, and give sharper focus. There is no massage or manipulation of the body involved in Reiki. It is simply a change, redistribution, and healing of the body’s energy.

Here’s how a session works:

Accompanied by soothing music, you lie on the Reiki table (like a massage table) and relax. That’s all you have to do.  Using a combination of disciplines and intuition I will work my way through your energy field to help address your issue. 

More on my method of astrology

           You don’t need a 45 page astrology-read-out!

ANYONE can purchase an astrology program that spews out page after page of “sun in Taurus means….” “Saturn in Libra means…”. If you’ve seen one of these, or read about yourself in one of the many astrology books that works this way, most of the information about you is contradictory. One section may tell you, “You are shy and quiet..” while the next says, “You like the spotlight and lots of attention…”. This is the ‘recipe book’ approach and it’s confusing, and less than satisfactory. It’s like lining up all the ingredients of a cake in front of you – butter, sugar, eggs, flour – and tasting each one separately. You’ll never understand what a CAKE tastes like this way because the ingredients haven’t yet been blended.

A good astrologer is able to take all those seemingly unrelated and conflicting elements and synthesize them into one comprehensive description that will make sense and will actually be useful to you. My approach is to read and interpret each chart individually. 

One page of crucial information that you will refer back to for a lifetime is more beneficial than 15 pages of unrelated conflicting ‘facts’ generated by an app.

          Astrology background and training:

I was fortunate enough to study astrology with Master Astrologer Jim Palmer, whose 30 years’ experience and overwhelming understanding of astrology made all the difference in my training. Jim himself studied with Lionel Day, founder of the Astrosophical Institute. Because Lionel was an engineer, his scientific approach to the subject of astrology, (he initially set out to disprove it), “revealed that there was indeed something real, powerful and practical about astrology” * The resulting “significant renovation” of the entire process is what I practice at Bright Point. Your reading reflects many decades of personal observation and research.

* Jim Palmer, from his book An Astrological Guide To Life, The Universe and Everything   

            What Astrology is NOT:

Astrology is NOT: Tarot cards; numerology; kooky, hippie bs; or crystal balls read by turban-wearing mystics. Most importantly, astrology is not the quick and easy solution to all the problems in your life. If an astrologer promises to predict your future or advises you specifically, run away!

What astrology IS:

Astrology is a TOOL to guide and help you in YOUR attempts to have meaning, success, love and whatever else you desire in your life. Astrology can give you incredible insight, pinpoint issues, and give a timetable of trends. The fact that you’ve found your way to this site means you’re ready to make some changes. Astrology can help you on your way!


Learn Astrology!


  A series of six two-hour classes. 

IN THIS CLASS – You will learn:  

*    The fundamentals of astrology

*    The basics and essentials for each sun sign

*    The concept of Positive and Negative signs

*    Astrological Modes

*    Astrological Elements

*    Metaphysics 101, and how Metaphysics is applied to Astrology

*    The importance of Astrological Synthesis

 This class is a comprehensive overview and introduction to astrology and its principles. If you’ve always been curious – about yourself, your family, your friends – sign up today.

Classes go for 2 hours with a break for snacks and beverages


Reiki Levels I & II Training 

In this 14-hour course on two consecutive Saturdays or Sundays, you will learn the fundamentals of Reiki

The Reiki symbols

History of Reiki

Reiki lineage

Chakra systems & how they apply

Metaphysics 101

Reiki hand positions

Certificate of Reiki Level I & II completion

This class will combine lecture, discussion and hands-on training and practice. Classes are at my Bayside location, in a casual, comfortable setting. Wear comfortable clothing. 

Materials are included. 

You will be certified to practice Reiki after completion of your level II training. 


Cheshire, Prospect, Meriden, New Haven, Bethany, Wallingford, North Haven, all surrounding areas.

Or call 

203 651-8806

No claims made on this site represent me as a medical professional or professional therapist of any type, and there is no guarantee of the outcome of Reiki or Astrology. If you are coming for  a medical issue you must provide a note from your doctor.